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发表于 2017-12-21 12:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自: 湖南

4,人民眼睛是亮的,大众投票占总分 30 ​最佳人气,最喜爱奖项;
​               社会市场认可占总分 30 最佳价值,市场占有,实力派,高名气奖;
             现场比争霸赛专家评分 30 真才功夫​,艺术高超等奖;
​          现场大众评审团投票占分  10 最佳关, 喜爱观注奖;
International Top Masters Competition and Master World Masters Competition will start
The six-year art event will be launched in 2018. The International Top Masters Competition and the Master Masters Competition will launch the trials. The world's top excellence masters organization is a non-profit organization of world people, calling on all countries to attach importance to invention, creation, Science and technology, the arts, environmental protection, skills, technology, culture, development and the benefit of mankind have no national boundaries and represent the interests of people all over the world and are respected by the people of the world. Contribute to the world, create artistic achievements, create inventions practical, work, reform, energy saving, scientific achievements and other aspects, industries, regions, for the country and the people as the world has a skill, outstanding achievements to achieve the role of top or leader, Master and other selection competitions, can be famous at that time the world history loaded master, master, master, master, originator.
Contest selection criteria score;
1, the world's top masters masters standards - the law - level
No bad record artist; German, arts and the United States; refined, gas, God; new, special, odd; line, state, meaning; students, moving, love; name, knowledge, live; Most of the world's cultural people understand, consensus, meaning deep, perfect, refined tastes.
2, the value of more than six as a master of arts, 30,000 US dollars per square foot, an additional one million US dollars, and so on.

Level 3: Arts; Level 3: Arts; Level 4: Master of Arts; Level 5: International Martial Arts; Level 6: World Master; Level 7: Master Giant】 【Level 8: The world's best master; nine: to create the originator.
4, the people's eyes are bright, the public voted 30 of the total score the best popularity, favorite awards;
Social market recognition of the total score of 30 the best value, market share, strength to send, high-fame Award;
             Competition on the spot competition expert evaluation 30 really Kung Fu, superb art award;
Voting of the public jury scene accounted for the best 10 points, favorite watch award;
5, process; world sea election 6 months, primaries January, the preliminary city level in February, the provincial semi-finals 1 month, the national finals 2 months
, International Finals Week, the President awarded the World Masters Award.国際的なトップマスター、世界マスターズヘゲモニーコンテスト
1、世界最高のマスターズマスターズの基準 - 法律レベル
2は、アーティスト、平方フィートあたり$ 30,000以上$ 10,000の増加、などの値より6以上が存在しています。

3、1:アートメンバー; 2:アーティスト; 3:アート皆、4つのレベル:芸術のマスター; 5:国際学部長; 6;世界マスターズ; 7:偉大なマスター[マスター]; 8:世界最高のマスター、9:オリジネーターを作成する。


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